近日,数字100正式加入中国无线营销联盟(Mobile Marketing Association,China,下简称MMA 中国),与众多全球无线营销行业领先企业一起,共同制定适合中国市场的无线营销行业标准,推动行业良性竞争和循环发展...
Read more...近日,数字100正式加入中国无线营销联盟(Mobile Marketing Association,China,下简称MMA 中国),与众多全球无线营销行业领先企业一起,共同制定适合中国市场的无线营销行业标准,推动行业良性竞争和循环发展...
Read more...We are proud to announce the launch of a new logo for our international identity as part of the ongoing evolution of our company’s brand! Our business has grown and evolved over the years, and we felt it was time for a greater breakthrough to reflect who we are today and to symbolise our future.
Read more...日子过得怎么样?满意不满意? 2019年中国人愿意在哪些领域消费? 钱包鼓不鼓百姓信心如何?中国百姓的获得感、安全感、幸福感在过去一年有提升吗? 今晚21:15,《中国经济生活大调查(2018-2019)“美好生活”数据发布之夜》为你揭晓答案!
Read more...2019年3月5日,北京—— 在“三八”国际妇女节来临之际,数字100联合亚马逊中国发布《数字时代新女性调研报告》,报告聚焦北京、上海、广州、深圳、成都等一线及新一线城市的70/80/90后女性群体,解读数字时代女性在生活方式、就业发展和自我价值实现方面的现状与趋势,描绘出一幅“新时代女性图鉴”...
Read more...MAGNA和RAPPORT联合发布最新全球户外媒体研究报告。报告介绍了户外媒体在70个国家的现状和趋势,其中包括对前二十大市场的深度分析与洞察...
Read more...中国旅游业连续多年保持世界第一大出境旅游客源国和全球第四大入境旅游接待国地位。根据联合国世界旅游组织多年来对于中国旅游业发展的测算显示,中国旅游业对国民经济综合贡献率和社会就业的综合贡献率都超过了10%,高于世界的平均水平。而过去3年,我国旅游综合最终消费占同期国民经济最终消费总额的比重也是超过了14%...
Read more...Some Quick Facts About Shanghai:Shanghai is the largest city of China. It is also one of the first tier cities of world that are important and have a leading role in social activities such as global politics and economy. Shanghai is the largest consumer market among all mainland cities, supported by the rising income level and large inflow of tourists.
Read more...Data100 Insights is attending Esomar Asia Pacific event, 2019. We hereby invite you to visit our booth.
Read more...In an attempt to answer those questions, I poured over the biggest collections of design principles on the internet [1][2], and came to the following conclusion.